Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Day in the city!

Christmas Eve singing! How so brrrr cold!

Waiting for presents... oh so hard!

But Christmas Day...

Opening gifts...How exciting!

Waiting for opening Can it be faster??

Wandering in the quiet city, so refreshing

 Hi Horsey! Neigh...
 AFrosty the Snowman sighting on my bike...

Windows so inviting!

Santa! Boor! aka moon

Pen!!! (penguins..)
Is that me?


 Ooh Gaga!

 Snow....?? Cat cat! Hi!!...

Spooky owl!

So sea!

a turtle and a bird!

It's just me in the window..ha!

ohh the gingerbread house..
this is as much fun...

Above all, hanging with cousins...ELMOTASTIC!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Frosty The SNOW MAAAN! Niam's rendition

I just couldn't get this song out of my head so I sang it over and over...

Even when I was putting Dog to sleep in my bed!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Little Niam makes Pizza!

Who will help me roll the dough and add some sauce to it?

Not I says Niam, Not I says Mama..I will said dada..

Who will help me put cheese on the pizza? 

Not I says Niam, Not I says Mama...Then I will says Dada

Who will help me eat the cheese?

I will I will says Niam! And he did!

This is me doing this ALL by MYSELF

Press the elevator button..(dont know why my parents keep me away from the red button)

I was gonna visit the barber but he wasnt in yet!

I walk to playground

I run!

Then I stop and look at this

 And that!

 I walk my folks to the playground

Kick the ball around..

I love to look at nuts roasting in the food cart..

Ofcourse..Chill in the park

 And the playground

I even carry mama's bag when she is tired..