Thursday, May 31, 2012

Master Niam is down..

Mr Brown aka dada is up and I am down...
 Oh no!

 Dada flew out of town
 Mr Brown will come back with my daddy soon!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Tia Claudia and I

I love it when she comes visits..
 We walk around holding hands...

 We look at this and that..and whats in there Tia?
 She loves me...

 I get kisses and hugs..How fun!!

Friday, May 25, 2012


I am in to fountains these days...
 The only thing I don't get is why can't I jump in??

Why is daddy holding me back?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Its a playground day..everyday!

I am a swinger...

I am a rock climber..

I slide like a pro..
 I ride like a Big boy..

 I climb like a monkey

 I hop like a bunny..

I can run so fast..

 I can stand still if you ask

 I take a break when I want
I slide in to tunnels..
 I can jump really high
 I can even ride a hippo..

 Dont ask me to put a hand in his mouth?
 I can ride this? what is it anyway?
 I like to bounce

I like merry go rounds

I think playgrounds are fun you should try it one day!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I wont walk any more any more!

So I made a pledge that I won't walk anymore..
 So I sit down as I made my pledge I wont walk any more..
 I sit everywhere as I wont walk anymore.. on the side walk..
 In the street
 I will even lie down if I have to

 But I wont walk anymore..
 I will stand if I have to but I wont walk anymore..

 Mama Pick me up or!!!
 I will sit down..
 As I wont walk anymore..

No matter what you say I have made my case..I wont walk ANYMORE!