Friday, October 1, 2010

Niam's First week

Niam and Mommy in hospital
Things with Niam are changing so quickly! So following in the traditions of his older cousins Alec and Olivia, we thought a blog would be a great way to keep family and friends updated of what he's been up to.

Niam checks out the rooftop view
It's been a busy first week for Niam Mukani Kaufman.  He officially entered this world on September 18th at 6:22 AM weighing 8 pounds 8 ounces and 21 1/2 inches in length (no wonder mommy was in labor for so long!).  Since then, he's been a busy guy meeting his family, friends, and getting used to his mom and dad.  Like most babies his age, Niam spends his days eating, napping, and pooping.
Niam meets Alec and Olivia
Niam is still waiting to meet Ishaan, Vinay, and Frodo
Niam's love of breast milk is unmatched, in particular ay 2AM when he seems to require it every thirty minutes or so.

Daddy and Niam enjoy a quick nap!
Relaxing in his bouncy chair
Nothing like a solid burp after a big meal!
Family and friends, we'll continue to update you now and then on what's happening in Niam's World.......    He's looking forward to grandma, grandpa, and masi's (mom's sister) arrival next week!!


Sonia Kaufman said...

Hi Niam,

Mommy loves you! and...Daddy :P


Pamy said...

OOOOWwwwww..........Cutie pie.........