Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sema Masi Visit! Netin Netin Netin..

Sema Masi came to visit me and I was so excited to see her when I woke up next day

We walked together and talked..

I wasn't gonna show how excited I was! A boy needs to keep his composure..

Then we went on special train to Vinod Mama's house..I was so excited but train took for ever!

Bhaiyas and I had nice long chats..about this and that! we even went out in a wagon..

Then they tried to take a photoshoot of us..we were not having it..especially me..

Okay i will let you take one as Ishaan bhaiya is posing and all.. !

Get me out of here..Somebody???

Monday, February 27, 2012

Things that come out of my mouth!

Daddy was laughing the other at something I said! So I decided to keep a tab on the things that I say so I can make him happy when I want to! Here is my list so far:

-"Herr itis"- I was looking for something and found it.
-"The otha lamp"- when I want them to turn on the second lamp in bedroom
-"Dada threw it"- daddy threw a cap in the sand
-"umidi-faya" Humidifier"
-"theotha umidi-faya-The other humidifier"- I saw two humidifers in the store
-"Bhaiya car"- I sort of took bhaiya's police car with me when I left there place"
-"Stop that"- I imitate mom trying to stop me from doing something
-"Door open", "dopen' I say it sometimes- mommy's favorite
-"Evevaotr aka elevator
-"Evavator aka escalator"
- "Donsta" for downstairs
-"Swova" for stroller
-"Goonit dada" for goodnight dada.
-"mor mor past for toothpaste"
-"mor mor books"
-"annotha" for another

Niam peri pauna!

I saw his Ishaan Bhaiya doing Peri Pauna (an indian tradition to respect elder you touch there feet). Well..Ishu Bhaiya was touching his own feet..but I liked what I saw. So to impress Netin aka Sema Masi, Vinod Mama and my bhaiyas I decided to do it too...

I even started saying "Hanji" for yes and 'Theek hai" aka I am very well. Hmm.. I like the sound of it..

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mama Home!

Nani got me a cricket bat!

When mama was in India, I always wondered where she was? When dad would ask me I would say mama work, mama bathroom..? I finally got it mama India when she skyped with Nani and Nana ji from there.

I wanted her home but I think dada wanted it more. So daddy was very excited when she got back with her big bag from airport and we even yelled mama from our balcony...and waited for her in hallway...

Everyone expected me to cry or give her big hug but I said 'mama home" and went on to play...I kept saying mama home mama home all day!! Mama HOME!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I am going to india...Am i?

I heard it from the grapevine that mama is planning to go to india...and I know I am definitly going. Babies under two fly free!!

So I am packing for this big trip..I will need my own big bag that I can pack my friends in and even ride on it! It even said its the right size for a carry on item..

Let me see what mama thinks?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Playground day! or Park as I like to call it...

So we went to central park (the real park!). I like to call my playground 'park' just because..there were playgrounds





Park benches

Space to run free..no Traffic!!

I like park day...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

This is me hiding..

Can you see me?

 Can you see me now?

Really you can see me??
What about now?

No you cant for you sure see me! Can you?

Look again!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Netin who...?

I have two names that no one knows whats the mystery behind them?...han for teddy! and Netin for Seema Masi!!!
I keep calling her on phone 'Netin' and finally mommy daddy have caught up and its nothing to do with buttons, phones or computer which we call her on because if some one else gets on like Vinod mama or Nani from India... I know right away its not Netin!! aka Seema Masi Go figure...

Trains underground are so in!

Dada Dada..I think there is a train under there

 Do you see it?
 Look again..