Saturday, July 21, 2012

Olivia and I at the summer house...

 Lets get to the beach Aunt Reesa!
 Olivia loved the waves...

 Aunt Reesa and I talked about this and that..

 Goldfish please?
 Corn and BBQ

 It rained...
 Family Band..

 Baseball time..

 I am turning off the light..goodnight Aunt Ressa, Tio Fito and Olivia..

 Oooh the elevator toy...I played with it for hours..

 I am up early..
 Lets go..


 Firefighter Cousins..

 Lunch Time..
 Back to the pool..

 Olivia sharing her animal crackers with me..

 Back to ferry..

 Bye Bye Fire Island..

 I can snooze now..

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