Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bhaiyas' Birthday Paarty!

 Look what they did to my hair..Vinod Mama?
 No No Pictures please or I will cry..
 Not happy you are snapping them away..
 My Car..

 More pictures..Boo!

 Hmm I am a boy at work!

 Who will help me make some pizza?

 Not I said Ishaan Bhaiya?

 Then I will go get some flour..
 And cheese

 And sauce
 Set the table
 The restautant is open..
 Lets get lost in Jungle Gym daddy!

Ooh I see some Arcade..what a party!

 YOu cant take a phot of me in a group..
 No you won't
 Oh NO!

 Pizza time..

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