Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How many parks do we have in this city??

I have an in-depth fascination with the New York City Public Parks!!  I know there are a lot of them, but my mission has been to visit as many of them as possible!! I have made my own baby check list.....

Here I am at the Highline Park with Daddy.  I loved the spectacular views...
And in Union Square Park right near our house. Check!

And down the road in Stuyvesant Square. Check

Listening to music in Washington Square Park while daddy tells me the football scores

I liked it so much I came back the next day with mommy!
Enjoying the autumn foliage in Central Park

A quick nap by the boat house....
Did a quick lap around the reservoir
I've also been to Tompkin's Square and Madison Square Parks (No photos available, you'll have to take my word for it)  Check, check.  Still a lot to see, looking forward to it...

1 comment:

Tio Fito said...

Niam, your cousin Olivia knows all the parks in our neighborhood, come over and she'll show you around