Monday, June 20, 2011

Tis the season of summer festivals......

I am loving the hustle and bustle of summer..all the festivals and outdoor activitiesBeing barefeet and just chilling...
 Looking around while people go by..
Wandering in to summer fairs and festivals... I went on my first merry-go-round ride in Tompkin's Square Park Festival and I liked it..more more more!
I crawled in to this contraption, but mommy wasn't too sure about me being there with all those bigger kids, even though I think I could have tackled them myself!
We planted a marigold in World Science Festival
I love wandering into fun stuff in the summer..look at the pattern!


This I don't like....I got scared of a big parrot's loud squack behind embarassing!

Besides the festivals, picnics are also in full bloom..See mama, this is grass!!! Did you know that?
 Daddy and I are hat people..wandering the neighborhood
Despite all the festivities, my favorite past time is still pulling books off of shelves
and..crawling in the sand and playground always gets me excited..
Do you think I can crawl up this slide? I am gonna try..
Speaking of which..what is sand? I must explore this in detail!
I have been pretending to be a construction hard hat guy!
I am definitely liking this new open ride for me..who needs to be cooped up in a stroller?
My favorite hiding spot..can you see me?
That's a fountain mama! Can I get wet in it..?
Theses days I like to I climb up steps..

More to come next week....!

Whats in: washington square playground, crawling up on steps, grass, pulling books of shelves, green maraca, summer fun
whats out: noisy parrot!

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