Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer is in my friend!!


Memorial day was my first official start of summer and I love the energy around me....all the sand.....

And the sprinklers for cooling my baby skin from the heat..

Of course "the pool"!! Please note my fancy sunglasses and mint new bathing suits just for the occasion...

My first dive...

Not to forget the amazing picnics

 Eating on the go...

Okay, I was really trying to eat that apple!

All the fun and frolic outdoors.....

Even reading outside! Who would have thought that?
Play ball....or just crawl around

Oh the summer fruits...which i can even play with..
 Of course the playgrounds..

this is me trying to rock climb!

 Nice summer walks..and views

Note my hands. I am trying to say hello to daddy!

Where is my belly button?

After all that hustle bustle of the day...I enjoy a nice bath in my own tub with rubber duckie!

With all this fun..who wouldn't love summer!

What's in: Summer of course, swimming pool, water sprinklers, bathing in the big tub, pulling books off the shelf (like always), cheese, yogurt, picnics

whats out: bathing in sink ( I am too old for that!)

1 comment:

Tio Fito said...

Niam: you were in Olivia's most visited playground (the one with the World Map and the sprinklers) and you didn't call her?
Engineer's Gate as well? Little Dude call your cousin, she is dying to hang out more.