Friday, May 27, 2011

One day I am one day old.... Next day I am 8 months old!

So I turned eight months old last week! How many is eight I ask? Judging from my parents' enthusiasm, it must be pretty big, but they get excited about everything I do so its hard to tell sometimes.  Anyway, we had a cake and candles...

The exciting part for me was that mommy stayed home on Friday! We took the subway...and I had my own seat.
 and we went to the Children's Museum... Hmm, there is museum just for us? I like the sound of that! It was very interesting....


Anyway, I think I can have lot of fun just in the playground... we discovered another playground in my hood with all these fun toys...

Again, the toys are great, but I don't really need toys to play at home.  I come up with my own games these days.

 come catch me..
 Can you see me?
 May be I can hide behind the door!
 Knock knock!
 Close the door or crawl in the hallway?
 Ohh, or I can just crawl up and down in the hallway and knock on neighbors' doors.. and play with daddy's shoes. So shiny!

Whats in: "What the Ladybug Heard?", "No Sleep for Sheep", animal farm noises, peekaboo, blueberries, bathroom door

whats out: my excersaucer

1 comment:

seema said...

new posts please!!! niam must be walking by now.
