Monday, May 9, 2011

My process of examination..... very methodical!

Every time I see somebody or something new in my oldie favorite.. I go through following steps of evaluation of that newby in the house:

1. First, I look and look at it... then, I may look away for a second and then examine it again..this is a serious process that I have meticulously crafted during my seven and a half months.

exhibit A
exhibit B

2). Then, I inspect it with my hands inside out upside down (notice my new dexterity... I can hold things with both hands and swap them..)

 This step can get messy at times, but I have fun with it..

This is what daddy called a "horse" in the library.

3) Last and final step in the evaluation process is placing the object in my mouth...I try to gobble it down to see if it will fit or help me with my icky gums..  This is a very crucial step and may decide whether or not I will ultimately like the object.  If the the newbie tastes or fits bad, forget about it.

In the end, I feel by this systematic approach I am able to figure out what newbie is acceptable and who is going to be eliminated! I am planning to write a book that details my intricate strategy (after I learn how to read, of course!)

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