Monday, May 9, 2011

Sleep Update IV -

I haven't updated everyone for quite a while on how my sleep is going.  It has certainly been an up and down struggle for me and for mommy and daddy, but I am happy to report that I am doing GREAT!!!

After mommy went back to work, things got a little hairy.  Marcella (my nanny) was putting me to sleep for most of my naps, and mommy and daddy, after not seeing me all day, didn't want to waste a lot of quality time seeing me fuss and/or cry trying to go to sleep at bed-time.  Things went down hill.  This led to rocking and rocking and more rocking and feeding, feeding, and more feeding (at 7PM, 11PM,  3:10 AM, well - you get the idea!) and who knows what Marcella was doing to get me to sleep? After a while, daddy injured his shoulder again and mommy struggled with my 20+ pounds. And, despite all of their efforts, I was fussing and crying most of the night anyway!

Finally, mommy and daddy realized that enough was enough.  They knew that I could do this, and I thought that I could do it too.  So, one night, they put me into my crib wide awake.  At first, I was confused - why wasn't daddy rocking me to sleep? Mommy and daddy were sleeping in the living room and nowhere to be seen.  I was a little upset at first, but eventually I fell asleep - with a little help from doggy and teddy.  The next night it was easier, and the night after that even easier. Then, I was sleeping six, eight, ten hours, or more consecutively and when I did wake up, I was able to go back on my own.  No breast milk or rocking involved, I promise!!  Even Marcella was putting me in the crib awake for my naps! My naps also were longer. No more thirty minute catnaps. Instead, I usually do between one and two hours, something previously unheard of!!!

I am also happy to report that I am staying awake longer!  Believe it or not, I am down to TWO naps per day.  Not that long ago, I was doing four naps and still was wasted by 5:30PM.  Now I have naps at 9AM and 1PM and have a 7PM bedtime (I am very proud of this!).  I have even delayed my 2nd nap (like at Ishaan and Vinay's mundan ceremony) until well past 2PM and was OK without any fussiness at all!!

The whole process wasn't that bad. All I can do now is look back at my days of sleeping in "the bag" and chuckle.  But, I don't want to rest on my laurels - we'll see how things go.  I'll be sure to keep everyone updated....

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