Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This week is for mama!

So, I was excited this week because I wanted to do something special for my mommy! After all, it was Mother's Day weekend.

Well, if you don't know by now, no matter what, it usually ends up becoming all about me....hehe.....
(After all, I'm only a baby!)

Mommy stayed home from work last Wednesday and we hung out and convinced daddy too.

We went to story time at Karma Kid Yoga for old time sake (mommy and me used to go there all the time when mommy stayed home with me full-time!). I met Emilio there and we plan to meet up at the playground sometime soon! I pulled a girl's hair and she started crying! She was a wuss but got me in trouble!

We also went to the library and street fair nearby us and found a lot of new books for me! Ohh and I got my own library card!!

We saw a beautiful garden on our way back home and decided to make a quick pit stop...  Now, we can guess "Who is in my Garden" (one of my favorite books these days)

Mommy and I (well pretty much mommy) created a little craft together for Mother's day and I loved playing with it!

Seeing my interest in the family pictures...Mommy created a family tree... Now I get to tear it down and play with more pictures while getting my diaper changed.

I didn't want Daddy to feel left out, so I let him give me some neck rides..

Daddy and I went to the farmer's market and got Mommy a blueberry coffee cake and a Mother's Day card! I saw my favorite veggies in the market! And then some that I haven't tried yet.. what's this deal about level 1 veggies.. I am big kid now and I wanna try it all!!!!

 On Sunday, I played with my cousin Alec and his twinkly shoes, and he played with my soccer ball... and got some neck rides from grandpa and uncle Jeff..


What's in: Long naps ( just two..yay!), I know nose (I think), I dance while standing, new books!, library cards, new soccer ball, beef, apricot, crawling in the hallway, playgrounds, new "mommy and me" craft at the refrigerator, family tree

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