Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas tree lighting and carolling fun!

 I am getting ready for the fun to begin..
 There is the tree

 Mama did you see it?
 I wanna light it up now!
 I will put my present under it too!

 Stop it mama..i want pictures with it when it light up!
 I am waiting..
 Can I open my present?
 Can I?

 whats in there?

 I dont know?

 Daddy do you know?
 Making a wish? tying a red ribbon on the old oak tree..

 We waited..

 And waited?
 When will the lights go on? Is it dark yet?
 No! Countdown 5..4..3..2..1..
 Have a holly Jolly christmas...!

 More singing!

 Lets the holidays begin!

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