Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Is this Santa? Really? Looks a lot like Mayank Bhaiya

 I got busy with bhaiya the minute I got to Netin's house
 We caught up on this and That!

 Then came Santa? I think him to be Mayank Bhaiya...I was very skeptical..
 Vinay Bhaiya seemed to believe him..
 So did Ishaan Bhaiya

 C'mon Can't you see through the beard?
 Look again Bhaiya!
 But then Vinod mama sat in santa's lap
 So did Ratna Mami
 Now Ishaan Bhaiya had his doubt
 And Vinay bhaiya didnt liek it either..
 But we liked him alright when the presents came..
 Oh tearing them was Chaos!!

 Was this on my list? I like it...

 I got some more..

 Pulling ribbon is my favorite part and I like this santa now!
 We compared notes..on how did Santa do?
 Photoshoot with bhaiya!
 Say Cheese!
 No bhaiya don't get distracted...they will blackmail us with this picture in future trust me!
 Oh toys are so distracting

 This is better
 Look at the car line up! Go Vinay Bhaiya

 It was good day!

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