Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Niam's Halloween Weekend

My first 40 days is now officially over!!  I am finally strong enough to leave the safety of my home to venture outside a bit more.  I had a busy weekend...

First, I went to my cousin Olivia's first B-day party!!  I had a great time hanging with my family and celebrating Olivia's big day.  I decided to come as a "pumpkin" as a prelude to Halloween.

I gave Olivia a big hug in honor of her first birthday!
Then, I went for a walk around my neighborhood in my bunny jacket (the same jacket that Alec and Olivia had used when they first came home from the hospital)

Hanging out in my bunny jacket..
Mommy and me enjoy NYC!
Later on, I transformed into a pumpkin for Halloween....

Here I am disguised as a pumpkin!
 Ishaan, Vinay, and I prepare for trick-or-treating.  Frodo is looking particularly menacing in his mummy costume.
In Chelsea Market, I found out that that I am only pretending to be a pumpkin!
Daddy protected me in the haunted house!
Danger lurked in every corner.  I maintained my composure!
Finally, after a long weekend,  I relax after a nice hot bath. 

1 comment:

Reesa said...


Thank you for coming to my party! Love the pumpkin costume. Next year we need to go trick-or-treating together.

Your cousin Olivia