Thursday, February 17, 2011

This weeks headline.. Sleep boot camp over! Mubarak out!

Sleep boot camp is finallly over!  And since I have made so much progress, mommy and daddy took me out for a special treat in my grown up stroller.

Daddy wanted to take me to the playground, but still so much snow so we had to abort that plan!

We walked over to the farmers market where daddy showed me what is mommy's favorite fruit (apples) are.

Plan B was to check out the petting zoo. I got to see live animals that I had previously only read about in my animal farm book. I was super excited, but I think my dad was even more excited!

Guinea pigs, guinea pigs what do you see? I see hamsters looking at me....

 Hamsters, hamsters what do you see? I see parrots looking at me...

Green parrots, green parrots what do you see? I see baby birds looking at me!! 

Baby birds even smaller (way smaller) then me...

Turtles! Daddy's favorite animal...

Look at the fishy's..

Big fish, Little fish!

Favorite games: Creeping and rolling over to get my toys, the phone on excersaucer, looking in the mirror, looking out the window, reaching for stuff under the television, chewing on gym edge or anything soft.
Favorite songs: "This Little White Duck", "La Manita", "When I was a Little Boy", "I am One Day Old"
Things of the past: my first sleep sack, the sling. 

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