Saturday, February 26, 2011

A week full of progress and few surprises!

I'm five months old after all... in hindsight, it all makes sense!

First the solids! Then, my new crib.....oh la la...

Move over co-sleeper, come along teddy and blankie...Crib is coming to town!

Well.... I have progressed leaps and bounds in my sleeping style...Teddy is my new partner in crime! I swear I think that my mother hovers over us while we are napping.  I can hear her tiptoeing to grab a peak at me even though she thinks she is slick!

Daddy was so impressed by my improved sleep habits that he wanted me to have the best possible pad to chill in! It may also have something to do with me thrashing around in my co-sleeper, making it a bit of a risky place for my adventurous soul.  So, out with the co-sleeper and in with the crib!

On the eating front as you know, I started eating solids now, and I'm LOVING it! I want more of the rice cereal....its yummy! Can't wait for more new stuff to try. 

 I needed to be held down at Dr Mirantes's office since I was not gonna let them give me another..s.h.o.t!!

Daddy got me and mommy beautiful iris's on Valentines Day...I was surprised how much I loved the purple color

We also went to my friend's birthday party...all these babies! But I like the company of mature adults like my Vinod mama.

What's hot this week:  my new crib, rice cereal, thrashing around on the mat to gather together as many toys as possible, banging on my animal farm mat

What's not so hot:  icky gums

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