Thursday, March 31, 2011

I can sit! I can sit!!! Can you??

I am sitting on the bed.... see how calm and collected I am!

I am sititing in my snowsuit... see how hot and what a good catch I am!

I am sititing in my crib since I don't want to go to sleep.. see how awake I am!

I am sitting while I pick a book to read..see how smart I am!

I am sitting while I bite on my yummy toy..see how yummy I am!

Monday, March 28, 2011

I can stand! sort of..

Well not really but I definilty try real hard! I fell yesterday while trying to stand and cried when my head hit the floor...that didn't make mommy happy. Oh well but I am a free bird! I do it anyway..

Then I stand on the chest..with help ofcourse..

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One day I am one day old.... one day I am 6 months old!

This week was a big one!!  I turned half a year old... I am getting SO BIG!!! In honor of my ever growing body ( I weigh 18 1/2 pounds and am 28 inches long now!!),  I learned how to sit without flopping over......

I saw my cousins Ishaan and Vinay solidly sitting up, so I figured why don't I sit up too??  I made mom and dad proud by sharing all of my toys with them on Saturday. They forced us to pose for the camera when we would much rather be playing!!

I ate my first veggie on my beans.. ..a stinging aftertaste I must say, but I ate them down!

And to inspire the prodigy in me, mommy and daddy bought me a piano for my birthday!! I love to bang on it and compose my own style of music....

We also celebrated being green on "Irish Saint Patrick's Day." I was thinking my green beans might also have something to do with it.

Oh, and Sunday was Holi and Purim! We celebrated with colors...

and made hamantachen cookies with my cousins Alec and Olivia.

What's in this week:
Books:  I have become much more selective with my books.  If daddy chooses a book that I do not like, I will reject it outright by fussing and creeping away when he tries to read it to me!!!  If it's the right book, then I love it.  My clear favorite stories have emerged!  The in list: "Ten Little Lady Bugs" (my all-time favorite, I can hear it over and over and over and over!!), "Ten Tiny Babies",  "Baby Elmo is So Big", "Good Night Moon", "Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?", "Little Gorilla"

Activities: Getting on all fours and shaking my tushy up and down, creeping off the edge of my play mat onto the hardwood floors, eating my veggies, turning over constantly on the changing table,  laughing while playing peek-a-boo with mommy, pulling the edges and/or the letters/numbers out of my play mat and placing in my mouth, sucking on my teething rings

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I have been trying to blow some rasberries..some days its easy and other days its not! I dont know how mommy daddy are able to do it so easily..I try to copy them.

This one I am practicing while I am trying to go to sleep! I have to get it right you know..


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Oh me oh my!

This is me happy!!

And this is me pensive! Decisions decisions..

Ahh the joys of icky gums....teething rings!

This is me SPLASHING water everywhere!

This is me very focused on my book..

and this is me and my side profile ( my mother seems to dig this!)

This is me and my love for kisses!! more please..

This is me striking a pose (my favorite these days!)

This is me getting a hug and a squeeze..

This is me escaping to go for my toys...

This is me on changing dad would say "Battle Royale"

Whats in: 
Books: " Ten Little Lady Bugs", "So Big", "Hand Hands Finger Thumb"
Songs: "Skip to my Lou", "Shake your Silly's Out"
Activities: "Sitting sideways", "rolling over on changing table", "crying when I don't like the book that daddy reads to me", "blowing raspberries", "banging on my tray when I eat"

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I am sitting!! Tripoding as they say

I usually don't like to sit for very long!  Why sit when you can roll or creep??  There's too many things to see and too many places to go!!  In this video,  I am lured to sit still by the farm mat toy which I love.  I have a suspicion that my parent set me up.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Past week very rough...on Mommy!

So 'the day' arrived this week! Mommy went back to work on Thursday.... It went well all in all. I think she was teary when she left in the morning, but I kept my cool. Daddy stayed for a bit until I settled with Marcella who I like.  I decided in advance not to add any additional stress for mommy and daddy. Through the day, Marcella kept texting and calling my parents with my pictures and updates, which I think helped reassure them. I behaved...for NOW! When mommy rushed home from work to see me, I welcomed her with my sweet smiles and she gave me a lots of kisses. We made up for missed time with story and playtime and some EXTRA hugs!

We went to the playground in union square park to play even more the next day! I am still getting the hang of the swing I must say...

Grandpa and Grandma came over Friday..that was a special treat for the hard week that i had!

On Saturday, we decided to enjoy the warm weather with an outing to the Mulberry Street Library to get some music for mommy to add to her collection of songs to sing to me! And of course some books for me...

And then cousin Olivia showed me how its done on the the slides...

We also caught up on how life has been!
This weeks hit list:
Songs: "Little Eliza Jane", "Six little ducks"
Books: "Little Gorilla", "where is baby's belly button", "Elmo is so big" "pop up books"
Whats in: "blowing raspberries", "creeping with tushy up and then sideways", "my teething rings", "kicking toys with my feet", "rolling over (aka Battle royale) on changing table", "touching verything", splashing in bathing tub", "Barley cereal", "Marcella my new friend", 'Waiting for mommy to come home from work"
Things of the past: 'Sticking my tongue out", "four naps", "liquid diet"

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mommy's Birthday Bash!

There were candles...

There were flowers and dancing...

I manage to get me a big doggy..mommy wanted it for me!

And..There were swings..daddy wanted to take me to playground!

All in all I made my mommy smile.... Happy B'day Mom.