Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One day I am one day old.... one day I am 6 months old!

This week was a big one!!  I turned half a year old... I am getting SO BIG!!! In honor of my ever growing body ( I weigh 18 1/2 pounds and am 28 inches long now!!),  I learned how to sit without flopping over......

I saw my cousins Ishaan and Vinay solidly sitting up, so I figured why don't I sit up too??  I made mom and dad proud by sharing all of my toys with them on Saturday. They forced us to pose for the camera when we would much rather be playing!!

I ate my first veggie on my birthday...green beans.. ..a stinging aftertaste I must say, but I ate them down!

And to inspire the prodigy in me, mommy and daddy bought me a piano for my birthday!! I love to bang on it and compose my own style of music....

We also celebrated being green on "Irish Saint Patrick's Day." I was thinking my green beans might also have something to do with it.

Oh, and Sunday was Holi and Purim! We celebrated with colors...

and made hamantachen cookies with my cousins Alec and Olivia.

What's in this week:
Books:  I have become much more selective with my books.  If daddy chooses a book that I do not like, I will reject it outright by fussing and creeping away when he tries to read it to me!!!  If it's the right book, then I love it.  My clear favorite stories have emerged!  The in list: "Ten Little Lady Bugs" (my all-time favorite, I can hear it over and over and over and over!!), "Ten Tiny Babies",  "Baby Elmo is So Big", "Good Night Moon", "Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?", "Little Gorilla"

Activities: Getting on all fours and shaking my tushy up and down, creeping off the edge of my play mat onto the hardwood floors, eating my veggies, turning over constantly on the changing table,  laughing while playing peek-a-boo with mommy, pulling the edges and/or the letters/numbers out of my play mat and placing in my mouth, sucking on my teething rings

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