Sunday, March 6, 2011

Past week very rough...on Mommy!

So 'the day' arrived this week! Mommy went back to work on Thursday.... It went well all in all. I think she was teary when she left in the morning, but I kept my cool. Daddy stayed for a bit until I settled with Marcella who I like.  I decided in advance not to add any additional stress for mommy and daddy. Through the day, Marcella kept texting and calling my parents with my pictures and updates, which I think helped reassure them. I behaved...for NOW! When mommy rushed home from work to see me, I welcomed her with my sweet smiles and she gave me a lots of kisses. We made up for missed time with story and playtime and some EXTRA hugs!

We went to the playground in union square park to play even more the next day! I am still getting the hang of the swing I must say...

Grandpa and Grandma came over Friday..that was a special treat for the hard week that i had!

On Saturday, we decided to enjoy the warm weather with an outing to the Mulberry Street Library to get some music for mommy to add to her collection of songs to sing to me! And of course some books for me...

And then cousin Olivia showed me how its done on the the slides...

We also caught up on how life has been!
This weeks hit list:
Songs: "Little Eliza Jane", "Six little ducks"
Books: "Little Gorilla", "where is baby's belly button", "Elmo is so big" "pop up books"
Whats in: "blowing raspberries", "creeping with tushy up and then sideways", "my teething rings", "kicking toys with my feet", "rolling over (aka Battle royale) on changing table", "touching verything", splashing in bathing tub", "Barley cereal", "Marcella my new friend", 'Waiting for mommy to come home from work"
Things of the past: 'Sticking my tongue out", "four naps", "liquid diet"

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