Sunday, April 10, 2011

Avocado..whats that?

So we went to get avocado for me to try for the first time.  I was super excited because my cousin Olivia raves about them and says they're yummy..

This was my face when I had first bite of my avocado!  Soon, I had it all over me...

I have been trying to stand on anything and everything these days with a lot of success

Mommy and I cheered for India's victory over Sri Lanka in World Cup! Go India!! 

I am a budding Mets fan, but I may have to rethink my options since I heard daddy say "they stink!"

I have managed to rip apart my play mat a few times.. .its fun to chew on it

Big doggy, teddy, monkey blanket, and me we have a party in my crib at night!

I have been reading serious kidney stuff with my daddy these days too!

What's in: My favorite books that I know well! Ten Ladybugs, Ten Tiny Babies, Little Gorilla, Subway Book.  The Book Pit (see future blog entries for details).
What's out: New books (anything that I don't already know), rolling over..I prefer to crawl or stand!!

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