Thursday, September 22, 2011

My 1st Birthday!!

My 1st Birthday party ROCKED!

There was grass...

There was music..

There was definitely dancing...

Singing and talking!..

A serious look back on last year's milestones..

There was CAKE with a firetruck and a dumptruck!!!!

And above all, I had my grandpa and grandma, aunts and uncles,  my cousins, and my friends!

What a good day!

I wish it was my birthday EVERYDAY!

Monday, September 19, 2011

How old are you Niam?

Niam has been expressing how old is he these days? Somehow he has learned that 1 is big number...

Another take!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Last Weekened roundup!

We went to this music festival last weekend, where mommy embarrassed me by dancing to those baby music but its okay as it makes her happy!

 The festival was by the water so I got to see Hudson river.. and walk on Manhattan boardwalk so to speak.

 I also sat on this vintage car with Mice..interesting fair I must say..

Also we picnicked outside by the benches..

I also made this friend over the weekend in the playground..We really bonded..

and kept mommy daddy busy by keep going up and down the ramp on this playground..

Not a bad weekend.....

Whats in: spoon, walking up and down steps, trucks, balls, flowers, mirror, flirting with stranger, I like to give stuff to other people to share
Whats I am saying: ball, truck, duck, plum, Dog
Whats out: Bouncy (finally may be..),  Opening closing door, Wrinkling my nose

Monday, September 12, 2011

Niams new quirks

I have become very expressive about what I want and what I need! I raise my hands with extreme urgency reaching for that THING that I must have immediately. I don't understand why my parents laugh some times when I do this.  I need my spoon and I need it now!

One of my recent favorite needs is my spoon which I MUST have, especially when I am eating! Spoon stays with me day and night...when I go outside I need to have the spoon by my side. My parents have learned that they must pack two spoons for me when we picnic together.  The other day dad mistakenly only brought one spoon to my picnic, and then he proceeded to try to fool me with a silly plastic white spoon that he had clearly had borrowed from a local restaurant.  I will not eat without MY spoon! See my other blog entry for more about my passion for my spoon.

Anytime mommy steps in bathrrom for anything... I drop everything and rush to the bathroom and when I find her, I have the biggest smile on my face. She had better get used to it because she'll probably not get any privacy until I am ready to say I need my privacy.

This is daddy's favorite: these days I select my own books to read! Daddy brings out three books to choose from and then I decide what we will read! I choose the book and show it to him. That's right: I am the boss!

I have learned to throw the ball after much persistance by daddy, but I still love to carry it over to you and hand deliver it.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My sport career!

Daddy and I have been working on playing catch and kicking the ball
 The other day on september 11th the firehouse block was closed off to cars so we decided to venture outside and practice

 I usually pick up the ball and run with it... .Daddy says to throw it but oh well, its nicer to give it you by hand than to really throw it at you

 All I know is it makes me happy to be playing outside and having fun!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Namaste Nani and Nana ji!

Mommy is trying to teach me how to say namaste..she is not sure if I am just clapping or really saying Namste..
 you decide?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

me, myself and my spoon!

I have to confess, I love my spoon these days...It goes everywhere that I go! It goes with me to the garden...

At the music festival
In the playground
                                                                    On the train..
                                                                      At the BBQ
                                                                     Even in the pool!
                                                                  At the train station
                                                         When I play with firetrucks
                                                         It is a very good friend I must say
                                                                  I love my spoon!
                                                  I even took my spoon to the boardwalk
                                                                 And on the subway
At the storytime
Of course, while I eat!
Spoon sits right next to me on the bench in the park!
Do you a problem with that?
                                                                 How can you?
                                                    My spoon did nothing to you?
                                                                I love my spoon!!!