Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Last Weekened roundup!

We went to this music festival last weekend, where mommy embarrassed me by dancing to those baby music but its okay as it makes her happy!

 The festival was by the water so I got to see Hudson river.. and walk on Manhattan boardwalk so to speak.

 I also sat on this vintage car with Mice..interesting fair I must say..

Also we picnicked outside by the benches..

I also made this friend over the weekend in the playground..We really bonded..

and kept mommy daddy busy by keep going up and down the ramp on this playground..

Not a bad weekend.....

Whats in: spoon, walking up and down steps, trucks, balls, flowers, mirror, flirting with stranger, I like to give stuff to other people to share
Whats I am saying: ball, truck, duck, plum, Dog
Whats out: Bouncy (finally may be..),  Opening closing door, Wrinkling my nose

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