Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor day weekend! BBQ..

We celebrated Grandpa's birthday at Uncle Jeff's house.

He has a pool of my size! I could actually stand in that pool and so I did!

I also walked in circles and had some fun splashing with my cousins!

The BBQ was really fun especially since I got to try everything and anything! I ate a lot of burger, some salmon, baked beans and pineapples!

He also got me nice red car! This car can zoom zoom!

Uncle Jeff had this cool red bucket and I had fun splashing in it!

 I socialized with all the guests at the BBQ

 I chowed down big chunks of pineapple...It was a beautiful sunny day (move on Irene!)

Of course, I got to play with Uncle Jeff's toys and hang out in his basement...So fun!

Of course, I wished my grandpa Charlie a happy birthday..
We hung out inside for a bit, but then Olivia and I wanted to go OUTSIDE for more fun!

We road the train back together and did some stories

What a good day!

Thank you Uncle Jeff for a great BBQ! Happy Birthday Grandpa...

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