Monday, April 30, 2012

Daddy and I

Every day I ask " Is dada coming home form work?" When he is home we wander in the neighborhood..
We look at this and that!
We stop to wonder how New york used to be back way when...
He chases after me...
We go up and down..
We hold hands..
We throw ball..

We walk around

Neck rides are always in!
Playgrounds too!
I already cant wait for daddy to come back form work!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Soccor and I

I look like I am going golfing but not true!
Soccor ball...
Let me just throw it..
I like to hold the ball..why kick it away?

I am a coach now for little kids like me playing soccor..

Go Go Go! Goooooaaaaal

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Sometimes I sit with mama in her lap!
Especially if there is a bouncy song or tickles involved...
 Kisses are also nice...

 I also like  knock Knock songs..

 Stories are ofcourse fun..

 Sitting on a chair is too!
Guitar with singing is a lot of fun...
Sometimes there is art and craft! I like playdoh..
I have a paper brush..

Sometimes I read my own book
 I love story time! More more books Miss Suzie...I love her...

Friday, April 27, 2012

My subway sandwich

Daddy and I decided that I will get to eat whatever I wanted for dinner..
So I thought about it some...
I thought about it some more..
After a long careful deliberations, I decided to go for SUBWAY sandwich..
I was so excited that I didn't want mommy or daddy to even carry the bag..just in case they get tempted to eat it!
What a yummy decision I made!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Just chilling..on staten Island Ferry

I am going on a BIG boat...

Bye bye Manhattan..
Look there is brooklyn Bridge..

And Statue of Liberty..
So many seats..Its really a big boat!
With great views..

I looked out the windows..

Then I looked at this..

Then I ran..

Then I relaxed on the nice empty seats..
Purple Bunny look look water!
Bye Bye Staten Island Ferry..