Sunday, April 8, 2012

Aagg Hunt!

I like to call egg an Aagg...hence the easter Aagg hunt!  What is it all about??

SO, I decided to go check it out...I didn't like that they closed the playground to set up for it, but I guess i can wait to get in! Hmm, first I found one egg and then another..

Then I wanted more! Let's go look daddy...

I like this game...

Hmm..I wish I had somthing to carry them in...

So I wanted mommy to make me a basket for carrying my eggs..and my new best friend: purple bunny!

I even made daddy plan an egg hunt in my house so that I could test out my new bag..

I found one in kitchen..

In the bag...

Another green one...I am good at this..

I think I am ready for next egg hunt..

So we head out with my tried and tested bag with purple bunny inside..

When time came for egg hunting, I was initially distracted by my cheerios in my snack cup, but when I spotted an egg, I was thrilled..
i wanted nothing to do with big bunny...

I kept my distance..

Once the egg hunt was over, I counted how many eggs I had found.

Then, I decided I didn't want to not hold the egg bag anymore...mama can you? 

No?? Okay then, I will put it on ground.. 

Then, I saw these girls with cool baskets...thats what I should have used..
I also like these stringy things.. 

Next easter it is..but they are bright pink. We will see what mama thinks? 

We also made a hat (that was all mama)  but I REFUSED to wear it...

 So dad wore it for a second...

We saw hats of all kinds...

 Eggs of all kind..purple egg, big eggs, dancing egg

But I like the egg that I decorated...

 Oh so many eggs..Oh so much fun!

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