Saturday, September 22, 2012

Netin Surprise!!!

I woke up and guess who was there in my room..Netin!!
 i was so surprised and excited!

 Lots of kisses..
 We talked about everything!

 I cooked for her in my kitchen..

 I showed her my balloon..
 I played my pretend guitar!
 We ate breakfast together
 Then we chilled on the couch!

 Then we walked otu with my baby stroller!
 No help needed! I am going to carry it!
 We played hide and seek!

 We also went swinging!

 Then we walked around holding hands..

 Make a wish in the fountain!

 Showed Netin Flatiron building!
 Went to a bookstore for storytime..
 Nobody warned me bt they had planned a surprise haircut for me! Oh no I had no warning to run away!!
 I let it  it out on penguin! This is me after the looks good I must say!
 We saw some fishy too!

 Then we waited for the bu in the busstop!

 I got a lots of kisses!!

 I bought burritos for netin and I
 What a fun day with Netin!!!!

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