Monday, September 3, 2012

Take me out to the ball game..

 We are ready with our baseball hats on..
 I see the stadium..
 Lets get the tickets
Who is that?
 Let me in ..

 Whats taking daddy so long?

 My own blue bat..
 Lets go..


Good seats daddy..

 whats happening?

 Seats are so much fun to play with..
 open again..

 My own seat..

Okay lets get some ice cream

 Woah! daddy got bats signed by Mr Duck...
 Buy me some ice cream..

This one..

 Daddy please??

 I am gonna cry..

 Daddy is talking about whats happening on the game..

 All I care about is the helmet will fit me or not?

 He ran form first base to second, third and then home run!!!

 lets go home now?

 Bye Bye Baseball stadium..

 Helmet fits me right?

 See! See!

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