Thursday, February 10, 2011

another cold week..! how does spring feel like?

This certainly has been an interesting week! Mommy decided no more games...we MUST get things in order before she goes back to work. Hence, no more crazy fun outings, no more snoozing on the go, and hear this: no more sling! I was very skeptical in the beginning, thinking that mommy would go stir crazy at home and would quickly put an end to this crazy mission of hers. 

Well the good news for me was that I had her FULL attention and MORE!! . Also, since mommy was bored at home, she convinced dad to come early from double goodness for me!

I needed to make sure that mommy knew what she was talking about! Do I really need to nap and sleep that much at night?? I analyzed her book to be sure....

Okay mommy may have a point so I agreed with the plan. What was there to lose??  After all, I played with my toys a lot this week and rolled over and over again and again!

This is my favorite toy these days besides my hand..I like that it looks like a car!

I stil revisit my old favorite rainforest every now and then.

I love to bang on the animals on the wall in my room when assisted by my daddy

I showed my exciting stuff in my gym to mommy and daddy. I am willing to share as you can see.

To my disadvantage, mommy figured out how tickly I am. Oh well..there she goes again!!

All this isn't that bad, considering all the kisses I am getting these days. Well, Mommy survived it and she is not complaining about staying home either. I guess it must be my magic.

And actually my zzzz ( sight for sore eyes for my folks!)...and I love getting all the applause and attention when I wake up after my naps. 

This weeks hit list:
Songs: "Williby waallabe", "la manita",
Whats in: SLEEPING, watching myself in mirror, peakaboo, teddy, standing up in the excersaucer, putting anything thats soft in my mouth blankie, play ball.
Things of the past: swaddle

1 comment:

seema sindwani said...

finally I have updated pictures of my sweetie pie!!! you are drop dead gorgeous sweetheart.

love you sooooooo much!
