Sunday, June 26, 2011

Niam's Quirks

I am a busy bee these days!!  I am changing very quickly, developing new eccentricities and quirks. Mommy and daddy get so excited about anything that I do, especially if its something new.  To me, it's all part of growing up, but I still love their excitement.  Here are some examples:

My new favorite past-time is opening and closing the door over and over again, and once it's closed I can't open it again (after all mommy, the door knob is so high!).   I often find myself stranded in the bathroom or bedroom and mommy or daddy have to come rescue me.  Even in the playground, I have discovered the joy that comes from opening and closing the swinging iron gates, and I often veer away from the jungle gym for a bit to enjoy the clanging action.

When asked "who is your mommy or daddy?", I am able to identify them by pointing especially daddy...Its okay mommy i do know who you are!

I like to wrinkle my nose all the time when I get excited or I see mommy doing it.

I love to point at people with my finger, and then start waving once I get their attention.  This is especially true when I ride the subway, which I do a lot these days.  Mommy calls me a subway flirt, waving at anyone and everyone, and I am never satisfied until I get that little return wave of acknowledgement!  I know how to turn on my baby charm!

I hug my penguin sometimes and get really excited about it, especially by his long beak that I enjoy pulling.

I am also fascinated by wheels these days! When I see a stroller or walker or anything with wheels on it, I crawl super fast towards it, and then examine it by crawling in a circle all around it before I touch it.

I have been walking with my walker, as you know, to explore all different areas of my house.  Sometimes when I see something interesting along the way,  I pause for a fun pitstop before continuing my journeys.

I continue to have a passion for pulling books off of the shelves whenever I have the chance... this does add work for mommy as she has to clean up after me.

Oh the ladybugs! I love love LOVE them...
Did I tell you?  I love munching on my sippy cup and start singing...Its really relaxing you should try it!

I think sitting is not so much fun unless I have a strong reason for staying still such as a cool view or a story time (I barely stay put though!). 

 My motto is: why not stand?? I try to crawl to something fun and stand if i can..

Such better views...

1 comment:

Tio Fito said...

Yes my nephew stand... It is cooler and the are nicer views when standing (and walking). You are so big!