Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hate tummy time? I have a solution..Roll over!

Mommy called Daddy at work on Thursday that I had just rolled over from my tummy to my back and that he had missed it!  Little did she know that I would make sure that Daddy watched me in action very soon! We had even a bigger audience than I had expected but I didn't get nervous at all. Uncle Jay and Auntie Tina were visiting us and as they were talking about how I had rolled over from my tummy to back a few days ago and how big I am growing..I decided to show off a bit! I definitely felt my adrenaline flowing with all the cheering crowd.

1 comment:

Reesa said...


Congrats on rolling over! You make it look effortless. I see crawling in the not too distant future! :) Watch out Mom and Dad.

Aunt Reesa