Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I can roll over but don't ask me to stand yet!

niam showing off his rolling skills!
Mommy and I went to this infant class that was run by Elliot on the Upper West Side...it was bit of a hike, but nice that I was sleeping! Once we got there, Mommy put me on my tummy....there was baby next to us named Sawyer. He was older then me.. seven months.  His mom told us how he could roll over and she wanted Sawyer to do it so we could see. Meanwhile, I decided to show off and rolled over before he had a chance. Haha but I got taste of my own medicine when Elliot tried to make all us babies stand up on his hand which Sawyer did beautifully even on one foot, but I was flopping all over!!!!

It was fun anyway and I like Elliot a lot as he rolled me side to side..

It is fun to sit up too!

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