Thursday, January 6, 2011

What a year it was!

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011!

Lots of highlights:
Spent first two thirds of the year in mommy's belly(even travelled to Morocco....)
Finally arrived on September 18th, one week late....
Did a lot of growing up, almost having doubled my birthweight already....
Have a deep love of breast milk.  Always calms me if I'm upset.  Has made me grow big and strong!
Hanging with my cousins....  Looking forward to growing up together!

New Year's Resolutions:
Grow up...
Sleeping through the night......
Lots of hugs for mom and dad.....
More Smiling if thats even possible...
Jets win Superbowl (yes, you heard it here first!!)

Here's to a GREAT 2011!!  Happy New Year everybody....

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