Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weekly happenings

Our second big New York City snowstorm!  Inspired by my mom's rendition of "Frosty the Snowman," I decided that I wanted to make my very own Frosty.  So I put on my snowsuit and recruited mom and dad to help me......

I had to go to the doctor to get a special test done on my hair patch.  Everything turned out fine!! and I made my parents proud with my extreme bravery!   I hardly cried at all during the entire procedure!!

Only thing I minded was all the gel that saturated my patch!!

I made my first trip out to Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Charley's house and checked out where my daddy grew up.  To get there, I had my first car ride since I left the hospital!  Thank you Uncle Marc for helping daddy put in the the car seat.  I don't think he could have done it without you (sorry daddy!).  And thank you Alec for letting me grab a nap in your crib and for letting me be on the fire truck even though I wasn't wearing a stripey!  Overall, my experience in the car wasn't great.  I did a lot of fussing; after all I'm a free bird and don't like to be cooped up.

I hung out with grandma, grandpa, and and went walking with them in the mall.  Hi Grandpa!  I like it when you make faces at me....

I enjoyed hanging with my uncle Jeff too!! 

Also made a quick visit to the Plainview Gurdwara.  I enjoyed getting in touch with my Indian roots, even though I was pretty sleepy!!

Oh and Jets won again! One more win and we are in superbowl...

What's in this week: riding the fire truck with Alec, shaking my maracas,  the Subway Book, lots of kisses (as always!!), mommy (and daddy) and me yoga,  Long Island Railroad, snowmen (especially Frosty!), sitting up without assistance (at least I'm trying!), grunting as I try to fall asleep (mommy doesn't like them very much), my "bag" , football of course.

Favorite songs: "The more we get together", "Buenos Dias", "Las Elephantes", "Riding up and down in my Red wagon"

What's out:  napping (as always), car trips,  breast feeding outside my house, baby sign language ( I'd rather cry to get my way!), size 2 diapers

1 comment:

seema sindwani said...

love the "trials and tribulations" Niam is going through. Hope you are having a blast my munchkin. You have awesome parents living in an awesome city. Lots more fun coming your way.

lots of love
Seema Masi