Monday, October 10, 2011

Fun in the neighbourhood!...

A lot of times we find things happening right in our backyard..and we stop to enjoy them!

 Just the other day, Mommy and I wandered into some music in Union Square Park ...

 Then we saw a Vegetable I really wanted to touch them, but when I did, it turned out they were FAKE
We heard some bluegrass (what's that! I was dancing to it...:) in Madison Square Park...
 This was what they use to scare big boys like me from entering a patch of grass...well, they have to do better then that!

 I didn't like that this band sang some grown-up songs that they tried to babyfy! ..What were they thinking?? Mommy liked the lighting though...and the stage, and daddy liked my Jets outfit..

We did dance a little...

I also spotted a baby cone to warn a baby like me...a dog had just peed there...

Daddy and I found a little house to hide in and I tried to see if daddy would fit in?

I saw a baby just like me in the mirror...
 and his mama!
 We managed to squeeze a picnic in since the weather stayed so warm...

Played with a toy kitchen...
 Spotted a car just like the one on my shirt
 And flew a helicopter with my dad's help! Just like in the sky

Just another day in my life!

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