Sunday, October 9, 2011

My subway ride down memory lane.

I walked down to the museum on my own two feet!
Oh, a vintage view of them building the subway!
 We traveled back in time..

   Token in!!!
Turn-style spin..
Walk, walk, walk on the subway...

Find a seat....

Do we need some air?

Hold on tight...
 Rock left, rock right, hold on tight!

Lights flicker and flash as we hurry past...
 Screech and pop! Here's our stop!
Off we, not slow

Bye bye subway! 

After the subway ride...

 I tried to pick the rocks myself too to help build the subway...

Daddy helped me...
 These wheels are soo cool!
 Look again!

 This is the way to go to grandpa's house back in the olden golden days...

I got to play with a subway car...

 And drive a bus!
 Parking meter, old school...


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