Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Life after turning one...

Oh well, a lot has changed since my birthday.  I must tell all you babies out there that I am getting more RESPECT as a one year old!!!
For starters, you don't have to drink from a bottle any more.  Bottles are for babies, not big one year old children like me.....

You get to try all kinda new stuff... cow's milk (yum!), eggs (yummy!), pancakes (yum, but oh so so filling!)..

Notice my milk mustache
I tried ice cream for the first time. More please!

I like this stuff! Notice my new advanced sippy cup with straw!

I also get to play with big kids at the playground as peers!
This girl gave me a kiss....eww!

This is my neighbor Olivia giving me a ride!

Oh, did I mention all the cool birthday gifts I got just because I turned one? I mean what did I really do to earn all these gifts? I will take them!

The other day a garbage truck parked right on our block, and the men collecting garbage let me sit in their truck and turn the steering wheel... I think they thought that I am a big boy! So why not?

I even go to the farmers market to decide which vegetable to buy.. I go mostly by texture and looks you see...

Bananas are no brainers..we HAVE to buy them!

I can go up and down steps now (with some assistance of course)

And I definitely enjoy carrying my own load...which I love to do these days. 

Also, I can make music loud and fun if I want to..

or I can be silly or serious in the playground depending on my mood...I am a big boy now so who really cares?

Walking around with my dad in the neighborhood..We always find something new and fun to see!

Well, all I am saying is turning one has been so fun!!!!

What's in: "toddlerhood", cow's milk, eggs, duck, da (my doggie that I wants to take everywhere!), ba (ball), birthday parties
 What's out: bottles

1 comment:

seema said...

my are gorgeous and you are only one...i can only imagine how dashing you will be when you turn 2.

Lots of hugs and kisses
