Thursday, October 27, 2011

Happy Diwali

It was Diwali last Wednesday and I celebrated in style...I donned my shiny kurta and even let mama leave the chunri on for few seconds for a quick photo-op

Then we went to the Indian strip to check out the lights and get some Indian deserts
 So colorful!....I will take one of everything please!

When daddy told me what they were made of, I ran for the hills...

This is how you say Happy Diwali in Hindi! I especially liked the flowers...

We also went to a Mandir and I donned a scarf to cover my head. Mommy thought I looked very cute (so embarassing!!)

Mandir was  a treat for free bird like me.  I rang the bell and then ran amuck.  Even the pandiji was laughing at my antics!!!

I wanted to buy some gold jewelry, but in hindsight, I am glad my parents stopped me!

All in all, it was a fun day..lots of new yummy food to taste and lights to look at...happy Diwali everyone...!

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