Sunday, July 10, 2011

C'mon everybody clap your hands now!

Building on my recently learned high five skills, this week I figured out how to put my hands together and make noise!!  I am so happy with my accomplishment that I enjoy doing it over and over and over again..

Another new thing that I like doing is not only to get excited about hearing my books, but I also recognize and point to my favorite things in the stories.  I particularly enjoy waving bye bye at just the right moment: for example in "Hand Hand Fingers Thumb" when the monkey says "Hello Jack, Hello Jake.." or in "The Subway" when the little girl says "Bye bye bye subway".

I am able to stand for a few seconds without any support especially when I am distracted with other things..

 Walking with my walker or with daddy is something different to do..
 Crawling is still my favorite way to get around.

I love to wave to strangers and try to get people's attention to play or interact with the subway is always a fun place to be.

I also got a new big teddy, but I am still very loyal to my doggy and little teddy. In the middle of the night, I am usually all over doggy, usually with my head on his body and my arm wrapped around his head.  I love my doggy!

I gets very excited when I see my old favorite toys....such as farm mat, worm, and bouncy chair !!  It's like revisiting an old friend.

What's in: ladybugs, clapping, high fives, waving, opening and closing the door, wheels, big teddy, penguin
What's out: stranger anxiety (I think!), 

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