Friday, July 15, 2011

My doctor's visit...

I showed off to my doctor all the cool things that I have learned to do since my last visit..and she was so impressed that she forgot to give me any shots! I have been up to a lot of new stuff! For starters, I know whats going on!!  When daddy reads to me my favorite books such as "So Big" or "What Does Baby Say?", I know exactly when to say bye-bye even before daddy gets to that part..I love to tell him how baby Elmo reaches way up high..or how he does peekaboo.

Nothing can stop me if I really set my mind to it! For example, in this public library, they have a segregated  "baby area" with a ring of interlocking chairs that are designed to keep babies like me confined.  But, after a few pensive moments, I found a way to sneak out and I headed directly to those stairs that I was desperate to climb..

I have been imitating everything mommy says or does...

 Daddy and I play hide and seek. I love..the 'surprise' factor!!

I get really angry when they forget to open the playground early morning! Forget how?

Anyway I enjoy cooling myself off in some sprinklers

Whats in: Climbing Steps, Closing and Opening doors, Sprinklers, Crawling under Tables, the Bus, Yellow Taxi
Whats out: Bouncy rainforest

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