Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My nine months journey..looking back!

Ten little ladybug sitiing on a vine...along came another month and now I am nine (months old)!

Mommy thinks I am growing up too fast! But,all I want to do is all those cool things that I see other one year old boys doing in the playground?
This baby stuff gotta go -  I am a BIG boy now!
Although, I don't mind some baby stuff! I really do still like my farm mat, maracas, singing worm toy, and the penguin or teddy... I also love all the hugs and kisses that I get from mommy and daddy when I need help getting places..I guess, it is is not that bad!

I do think about everything that I have learned to do so far? I certainly can stand at times without any support. But I do usually need to pull myself up holding on to things, even though I am working on getting my legs stronger an improved balance... lot of progress is yet to be made!

Well, the past week was uneventful sort of......

What I saw & what I heard?

Daddy and I are enjoyed some New Orlean's Jazz at the Big Apple BBQ last week.. Jazz was nice I guess..dunno if i care for BBQ just yet!

Another band in a playground...

I am into storytimes these days even more than before.. I listen and enjoy the stories and that makes my dad super happy!  I do crawl around a bit while listening to stories, especially at outside story times. It was funny last week at a bookstore story time: I enjoyed the story so much that I tapped on Stewart's (the story teller's) leg and he reread the story in front of the entire group of babies! I was so thrilled to here one of my favorite's again I could barely contain myself!!

Where I played and what I did?

I love playing with sand, but when it drops it falls on my face and that gets me everytime..

Tried to pop a balloon..don't know why mommy was freaking out?
I was trying to hog this toy..seemed to be popular..
Well daddy with his bad back! So I tried to venture out on my own
But he got me!


I almost convinced mommy and daddy to buy this until I wouldn't stop banging on it, and it kept making so much noise..they decided against it..

One day I decided that I needed my own personal waterfun space so we tried it - on our rooftop!

I was supposed to be under the parachute but instead I sat on it! Oh well....

Oh water water can you resist?

And if everything fails and there's no where to always have a water bottle to play with!

What I rode?
Recently the First Street Playground has been my favorite since I can ride, walk, and play with Thomas the Train for as long as I want to..

                                                What I felt?
I am loving sprinklers to cool me down in the summer heat..I manage to get mommy and daddy wet everytime..

 What I tried to do?
I tried to walk with daddy in the park...
 What I tried to eat?

Where I crawled?
Chasing after daddy in hallway is one of our favorite past times..


What I drank? (besides my milk)


Where I danced?
Madison Square Park Concert

Why I posed for the camera?
You will never know...

Where was the party?

The library-

What they sang?

Happy Birthday!!!!

But I never said a word!!!!

What's in: reaching for things on tables and counters (anywhere up high), opening and closing cabinets in kitchen, African drums, pointing at people, shoes, crawling in hallway

What's out: hiding under tables

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