Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Master Niam Can Moo, Can You?

I have been trying to say a few words and make some noises..

One of my favorite books is Dr. Seuss's "Hand Hand Finger Thumb." It contains a bunch of rhymes that I enjoy, but the best is: "Hand picks an apple, hands pick a plum". Every time daddy reads that book to me or says that line, I usually finishes the sentence by saying "apple"

I also have a deep love of ladybugs!  In my book called "The Ladybug Never Said a Word!" I refer to to the ladybug as "bug".

Oh, and of course I can make some animal noises...my best ones so far are: the cow goes moo, the duck goes quack quack (it doesn't sound exactly right but I am working on it!!) and the sheep goes bahhh!!

Of course, I can say mama!! Sorry daddy....

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