Sunday, July 24, 2011

Oh me! Oh my! I am 10 months old!!!!!

Time is flying so fast!! Who would have thought that I was just an itty bitty baby 10 months ago? Of course, mommy was all over me trying to do a birthday photshoot...!

 The celebrations included singing, candles and some cake..I may be getting too old for all that!

This week the big news is that I have dramatically expanded my spoken vocabulary:  from my first word "pop" now to "apple" and "mama"!  In my story "Hand Hand Fingers Thumb", I love to chime in when the monkey says "hands picks an ..." It sounds more like 'Apa" but close enough!!!!!

I have also been saying "mama mama" non stop.. I think daddy may be little jealous especially since I see mommy so happy.. .but daddy knows that I know who my daddy is.

I am into fountains these days! I get really excited when I see one and and can't get my eyes off them...

 Another cool thing I figured out is that if I press elevator buttons they light up! So I pressed a bunch the other day.  I am not sure why, but this guy got on the elevator and didn't look happy about it!

I point to interesting things that I see such as flashing ambulances with sirens blaring... It gets me super riled up! I have even learned to make siren noises at home when mommy talks to me about ambulances or fire trucks.  How fun!!

One of my ongoing projects is trying to get doors open all by myself! I get on my tippy toes..but still can't reach that darn door knob.. .How is a baby supposed to open the door with such a high knob...they really should be made more user friendly.

I am crawling up and down in the jungle gym! Even doing the steps up and down...

I am also into bubbles these days...ahh the summer fun! I made a friend in the park..

And another friend in the library....

Whats in: ambulances, "apa", "mama", fountains, elevator buttons, doors

whats out: my rhythmic singing

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