Wednesday, August 31, 2011

C'mon Irene!

Irene definitely brought my city to a complete stop! Woah...Even the subways weren't working...really??

Well, after it was all over, I went out with my dad to estimate the damage ?

I saw branches on the street!

I definitely enjoyed the abundance of patrolling police cars everywhere....
We ordered Thai food as a special treat...

Well...Irene was mostly a bust.... besides that, this week I have been visiting various gardens in my neighborhood now that I can walk much and stay to the paths (mostly) ... look at the fishes, turtles and beautiful yellow flowers.... Oh, I even saw a bee.."I do like bugs"

 I finally got to play with a real hose! I have heard all about it in both the "firefighter" and "garden" books..

Story time in the garden is a brilliant idea....the songs right after are just perfect as my mama says..
Even though at times I really get shy when people try to talk to me, embarassed to say I was blushing..

Mommy was showing me some puppies, but all I care about is the bright green ball they were playing with..I am just a baby right?

I got to pet a real dog in the garden too! No ball in sight, though

What's in: gardens, ponds, flowers, fish, turtles, butterflies, and bees, sleeping in till 6:30, caterpillars, grapes
What's out: hurricanes, "carlos like colors"

By the way..Its september!! My birthday month has started!!!!!

Summer house adventures part 2- turning 11 month old!!

My parents also learned that I am ready for sit down culinary adventures outside! I flirted with chefs, waitresses, and every passerby....

I even walked around at an outdoor clam bar! Then, I tried some fish which I initially liked, but then decided after two bites that I didn't wanted anything more to do with it.  Blah!
Then later on..we stopped at a different seafood shack but I  forcefully decided that I wanted nothing to do with it so we had to turn around. Oh well!

We had some coffee breaks for daddy, but i got to chill and chat (rather wave) with the locals...

I even got to try some mango lassi (I was very persistent that I both wanted and needed to try some....)

Mommy, daddy and I walked around in nearby town!
 I even got  a neck ride on the beach...

We saw a fun playground and figured why not do some rides?

Olivia recomended for us to go to this country fair! It turned out to be so much fun! We heard some music and they tried to recreate a barnyard!

 Mommy got me a sunflower balloon, but I didn't quite care for it..oh well
 I spotted an ambulance and tried to climb in it and surprisingly nobody stopped me!!! I really like this town!

 I was so happy that i walked on wet grass all over...while mommy tried to make some nice crafts for me ( or herself!)
I even celebrated my 11 month bday on the road and it coincided with the day my parents got married...what a good day!

Other interesting and unsual thing I did over this trip? you may ask??

 Stood on a rock!
 Found a house of my size..i may just move in!
 Spotted a nice purple flower in the garden
 chilled out on a hammock....
 sat in the water by the bay!
 All in all, lot of first experiences on this trip and man i loved it!!
I mean drinks and jacuzzi! What would beat that!
 Okay, all said and done I was missing home and my own bed, so going back home wasn't that bad of an idea..."Country road take em home...."

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Beach, ocean, bay? Summer house..part 1

Our summer house was so exciting!!!  I insisted on waking up super early every day to get the party started as early as possible! I didn't mind the new sleeping situation much, as long as I had my doggy and teddy with me. My parents were definitely relieved!   I loved walking and walking all over the house in circles here, there, and everywhere...Mommy joked that I had gone biserk...

Well, we had a lot of beautiful sunrises and breakfast by the water...picnic

what a perfect place to do yoga! Ohm!
...on the rocks, wish my cousin Olivia would wake up early with me so we could throw rocks in the water together!  

It's bit rocky isn't it?

 Down by the bay....

 In a garden...Mommy was so excited because it looked liked the grapevine garden she grew up with back home..

I did take a dip in the water in the bay.  How refreshing!

Also at the ocean beach but the waves look a little scary to me! 

I loved the sand and I kept falling all over the place with no repercussions. How fun! We even dug some pits in the sand to chill out with my cousins.

I was okay with the jacuzzi but bubbles were no fun... What can I say?: calm water is what I am about!

Of course, I had some bonding time with my cousins! I wanted them to wake up as early as me, but they are bigger and enjoyed sleeping in a bit, and they were able to stay up at night much later than me. Cousin Alec and I enjoyed storytime together on a rainy afternoon...he is very smart and asked a lot of questions which made me think about my stories in a whole new way!

Cousin Olivia and I goofed around in the jacuzzi one day and I also loved loved her purple doll Abby and walked in circles with excitement holding her! I even tried her beach chair a few times, and she promised to let me use it when we went to the beach together.

And I did!

Then there was this famous and oh so troublesome "dump truck"...Olivia couldn't stop signing 'back it up!!" It was cute, but meanwhile all the grownups kept hiding it from us! I wonder why? There were some arguments over who would be able to play with it and when!

Of course, I had a lot of family fun!

What's not so in: ocean waves, crawling, driving in reals cars!! (toy cars are ok)

What's in: sunrises, water fun, sand, eating out