Saturday, August 6, 2011

Post Mundan week...

After a grand ceremony for my first went back to usual, except I had no hair!
I think a few things actually did change. Mommy used to brush/comb my hair immediately after my bath, but on Sunday, she did pick up the brush but there wasn't any hair!

This is the look on my face every time the subway door opens and the red light light turns on!

 I don't blink even for a second so that I don't miss the blinking yellow light when the door closes!  I usally know when its going to happen when the subway lady announces "stand clear of the closing door!" See I am very smart!

 See mommy, I have been standing... and planning to walk so get that camera ready! What are you doing??

I have been hugging mommy and daddy very gently these days and it feels nice as daddy says! I also like to "lean back" as the song goes during story time...

I have been (rather my mommy) trying to do some you see cousin Olivia is very much into it..she also taught me how to have the maximum number of crayons and keep them together.

I also loved this little stop and go light at the train will light up everytime I pressed it so I kept pressing it!

My recent sequence of events in sprinklers....

Should i get up?

Okay if you insist?

Should i walk?
Mommy would you?

Daddy help me?

I have been going on strolls with my dad these days..we look around and chat about stuff!

Mommy and I have some silly times...the other day we got a caricature (big word!)  of us..

I am so into firetrucks and ambulances these days that every time I hear a siren I crawl really fast to window to see if I ca catch a glimpse? I have had a few sightings on good days....

I also have a bit of a apprehensive reaction to my firefighter book. I am very curious, but at the same time worried about the people stuck in fire!!  I hug my daddy really hard when I see those people stuck in the fire with sirens daddy decided to take me to a real firehouse and show me the real fireman and their life..

Firemen were super nice! They offered to take me on the firetruck when I get a little older! I can't wait!!

Whats In: Firetrucks book, ambulances, garbage trucks, saying "bug",
Whats out: ???ladybug, "Ten tiny babies", Carlos like Color, So Big?

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