Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My sleep adventure continues - patting, and patting, and patting.....

My sleep issues continue to be a work in progress.  At the last update (December 3rd blog entry), mommy and daddy were primarily using "the bag" to help get me there.  The most recent development has been mommy's discovery of the patting technique.  One huge factor is my flailing arms!  When I get sleepy,  I rub my eyes with them and then I cry because this wakes me up.   My very observing parents have found the perfect blanket that wraps me up in my bouncy and keeps me calm (somewhat).  The usual sequence of events goes something like this........

As the patting begins,  I usually start out strong!!

Soon the fussiness sets in as the patting continues.....

With more and more patting, I become a baby whose expressions are in constant flux.  One second I'm upset, then I'm cooing with a smile, then I'm staring blankly straight ahead, then I'm kicking my legs especially my left one, then I'm moving my head from side to side at times arching my back.  This is all very unpredictable but I think its my way of trying to relax myself and to let the sleep come.

Sometimes, the fussiness takes over and converts into outright sadness.  Then, I need a short break from the patting to get back on the right track.  Nothing can eliminate sadness like resting on daddy's shoulder!

When I'm almost there, I enter a zen-like state staring straight ahead with wide open eyes.  From this point, either two things can happen: I can either regress back into a world of flux/fussiness or I can progress onto sleep.  It is very important for mommy and daddy to continue gentle patting when I enter this zen-like scenario, this definitely helps push me towards sleep although nothing is a guarantee.

My sleep adventure is clearly ongoing.  Mommy and daddy want me to do more of my naps in the cosleeper and to fall asleep with less help help.  I'll keep you updated.......

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The past week or so...

I love this city. I got to do a lot of holiday cheer at so many cool locations. It definitely put me in a holiday spirit. My first holiday season after all.....

We went to hear a christmas concert in Guggenheim museum and I was able see the art and hear my favorite songs at the same time.
Guggenheim Museum
Saint Patricks Cathedral was bit crowded for my taste but it was still nice and we walked afterward in holiday central fifth avenue.

Saint Patricks cathederal

I saw the "Tree"! I was wondering what is the hype about? is very BIG and sparkly..I liked it.

Rockefeller Tree
Loved Loved Loved the lights on 5th Avenue..

Not so festive but still fun when I had an accidental run in- Mr Met, even though my dad was MUCH more excited then I  was!

Daddy and I discussing my weekly hot list.

After serious deliberations,  here it goes, last weeks recap

Whats hot this week: smiling,  receiving kisses, music class, story time, hand in the mouth, making cooing noises, 
Popular songs- "Frosty the snowman", "Glor....ia", "Tiny tim", "Ten little horsey", "These are my glasses, This is my book", "Los Pollitos Dicen"
Favorite Drink- "Mulled" breast milk
Popular books: The Barnyard Dance, The Foot Book,  It Was the Night Before Christmas, The very Hungry Caterpillar, "Where is my Bellybutton", "
Whats not so hot: napping, gym at times, slush

Monday, December 27, 2010

My first snow and Blizzard that it was!

I was so excited that its going to snow day after snowed and snowed and snowed! I braved the chilly blizzard conditions to experience my first snow...

Oh no! I ran for cover

I stayed undercover!

Snow didnt scare me! I kept my social life going. I went to Uncle Rogers house for a nice christmas turkey and ham. Uncle Derek's mom even shared with me her special cake and my parents tried spatzel. It was lovely and to top it off I got to pick my gift from under the tree!

ohh pop ups, I like them!

lets read it again daddy!

Next day it was so much snow on the streets that cars were stuck on the middle of the street! It was a winter wonderland for me. I could walk on the streets and not many cars anywhere. We went out to enjoy fresh powdery snow.

Note the Cab stuck in front of strand

Look Gandhi with snow on him

Me and my mom playing in the snow
That evening we went to Vinod Mama's house as my big cousins Shreya and Mayank were visiting. 
Shreya di is so cool! I wanna be like her..
Oh and I had a sleepover at my cousin Ishaan and Vinay's house. I slept in their bed and had a spa/massage done by Ratna Mami.

Next morning I got to play with my cousins and my Seema masi and Vinod Mama.

  I had so much fun that when it was time to go I asked my parents why can't we stay here forever!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tis the night before christmas!

Since it was my first christmas, I decided that I needed to know as much as I can about this santa guy. So many decisions, Leave cookies and milk out? Will he able to come in if we don't have a chimney? Would he mind if we have a different tree? Or that I am half Indian-half jewish kid looking for presents on christmas and  have already recieved my hanukah presents. It all worked out at the end!

I am not sure how my parents new, they got me a book "It was the night before christmas" and read it to me. I got to open it the night before appropriate!

This wasn't what santa got me!

So after leaving cookies and milk for santa just in case he comes early,

To show my christmas spirit, I donned on my santa hat and braved chilling weather to go caroling under Washington Square Arch. I got a lot of attention from strangers and I loved it.

We planned to spend our evening with 'smorgesboard' as daddy would say of foods on the table. We had matzoh ball soup, borcht soup, challah bread and had chinese food from this place that serves chinese-muslim food of some sort at saints mark. We topped off the night with some hot cocoa and sang "frosty the snowman" till I went to sleep.

All that hard work paid off! I got not just one but many presents..yay!

And I celebrated christmas with my cousins in reindeer antlers.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Curious Niam goes to the zoo!

Whats a zoo? I ask...while dressed up as a bumblebee pushing my penguin off the chair...So to find out for myself,  mommy and daddy took me to the central park zoo to celebrate my 3 month birthday! What a coincidence that they had winter zoo festival going on.
I take a catnap before meeting the animals
So I meet Ida and Henry, the polar bears in central park zoo and decide to hide as they look BIG..much bigger then me and even bigger than daddy!
Note ida all the way in the back
And the sea lions...look fast or you'll miss them!

And the snow leopard menacing in the tree.....  Be careful mommy!  He looks hungry.....

"Whats a rainforest daddy?" I ask while checking out beautiful birds...  It was hot and humid in there wonder why mommy didn't take off my mittens?.  (Hmm..may be because I cry every time I need to put them on!) Ohh... The birds zipped right past my head!!!!

And I met Penguins for REAL...

Thats too cold!

Oh what a winter wonderland! I hugged mommy and daddy for such a great experience and birthday adventure...Now lets go home and have THE CAKE!

Push up! Push up!

Till now, If you put niam on his tummy two things usually happen, either he will look to one side and do nothing or try to push and get frustrated in nano seconds.

picture taken 10-15-2010
So he was getting away with no tummy time a lot of days. We blamed on poor upper body strength! He took us by surprise yesterday when he not only hung out on his tummy but looked around and smiled...He must be praticing this skill set while we werent looking oh my!
Picture taken 12-22-2010
And then niam brags about his new learned skill in front of kids older then his age. Such a show off!
Niam in his gymbore class 12-23-2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Master Niam can do, can you?

Lets see...I can do it!  How about you? Can you do it too?

I can laugh so loud! It makes my mamma proud...can you?

I can be all will be worth your while... Can you?

Exhibit A. First smile or so mommy says on 10-16-2010
daddy thought i was passing gas lol!
I  can grab on toys  and make some noise  ...can you?

Exhibit B

Note my grasp on the rattle (12-2-10)!

I can stand on my two feet, wave my hands to do a bit of barnyard dance.....can you?

My hand I can eat and its a yummy treat.... Can you?

Look at me in my reflection.. what an attraction...   Can you?

I can be snug as bug in a rug.... Can you?

I can pout if you leave me out!  Can you??
Legs in the air, you'd better beware cause I can roll to the side...  Can you?
Just for the record.. 11-24-10 is when I did or so they say..
 I can hold my head high and look to the sky! Can you?