Thursday, December 9, 2010

I have hands? these are my hands..

I couldn't figure out for a while..but I kept asking myself..what are this distracting things that keep irritating my eyes, and face? I had an aha moment the other day that.."its my hands"...

Now I really like to put them in my mouth 'all the time'.. whats more fun is that I can hit things in my gym and finally I GET it what is making my mom dad so excited to put me there...I have started to like that fat doll, yellow elephant and the giraffe.  I hit them sometimes..the music on the thing is no mozart but its very interesting to see the lights go on and of and noises that come out when I hit it.

The only downside is when I am sleeping sometimes my hands hit my face and I get woken up by them and then I crrrry...

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