Thursday, December 2, 2010

I frown when I am curious, I frown when I focus

Everybody thinks I am a serious guy! To be honest, I don't cry much...only when I am sleepy and just can't get there. I don't even cry when I am super hungry. I am usually patient, but if you pull me away while I am eating you will hear me protest. So why am I considered a a serious individual you may ask? As it happens, when I am concentrating on things such as on your face, on eating, or on an interesting book, I often frown! I also have a very serious look on my face whenever mommy or daddy brings a camera never know where they post those pictures you know. Besides my trademark frown, I like to raise one eyebrow at a time to look at you and I may get some wrinkles on my forehead. So I guess you can call me a serious guy (wink wink)

1 comment:

Tio Fito said...

Niam, You are a serious and cute little boy.
We love you when you are serious, when you smile and anything in between.