Sunday, December 19, 2010

The first three months of my life..... "Then and Now"

I decided to look back on how life has changed for me since my arrival on my third month birthday. Well lets see, even though mom says I am such a handsome little baby but I think I am not that little anymore...Lets review, Shall we?

Just got home...I need to tone up!
One month..Okay that's better

lets look again.. two months! (note my belly..)

Two months..note my muscles!
So big (now I need to do some abs) three month mark!
Daddy is impressed that I am already fitting into some outfits for 6-9 months olds. Mommy is sad to put away my old clothes.  Many people who meet me for the first time think I'm older than I am...see I am working hard to keep that up..chugging my milk!

slumping early on my bouncy...

look at me now!  

So itty bitty

Teeny but cute..

Not so little now!
Like mommy says, "I'm growing up too fast!!  I'll be sure to keep everyone updated as I continue to get bigger.  Stay tuned for the next blog entry already in progress,"Master Niam Can Do, Can You??"

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